Monday, June 15, 2009


My boss at work made a great point when we all went out to lunch a couple of weeks ago. The people who continually talk about "trying to have a baby" don't realize what kind of pressure they are putting on those they are talking around. When you actually stop and think about it, telling people you are trying to have a baby forces them to think about you and your significant doing things no wants to picture.

Face it. Outside of yourselves, no one wants to think about those things. No one... that is for sure. But how else can you discuss you and your partner being ready to try to become parents? I don't think there really is another effective way to talk about it. But I think there is something to be said about "thinking about it." I have thought about it a lot of late, as Kimberly and I are ... well ... you know... trying.

It is amazing how quickly the weight of a situation can come over you. I've been told over and over again I'd make a great dad. And I greatly appreciate anyone who has ever thought that or said it. But it just seems such an amazing task. Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of great dads. Mr. L, my uncle, my brother, and a long list of others who do a great job with their kids. But me? Me being a father, a dad, a pappy? You only get a couple of shots at it, and what if you screw up?

And then I realize (each time mind you), there is NO possible way, any single person on this earth is ever "ready" to be a parent. I think you can be prepared... you can give off every possible vibe of being the best parent ever... but until that baby cries in your arms for the first time, all is left to your imagination at best. Once that kid's life depends on you, all bets are off and "play" time is over. It's put up or shut up time.

I had the pleasure of heading down to Maryland to help watch my niece (and nephew who doesn't need watching) over this past weekend. Both of them are amazing kids and show me what a great influence good parenting can have. My niece is stubborn, and so very cute. My nephew is quiet, yet so very strong. And they are just amazing to watch grow, even from a great distance. It was a perfect time for me to be around them. It allowed me to take a deep breath and see what all the planning was for all at once... for two great kids like that, maybe somewhere in our future.

So, as Kimberly and I continue to grow as a couple and see where our lives take us. I look very much forward to being a father, a dad, a source of money for some 13 year old some day. I am scared at times, but welcome it as being the greatest challenge we'll face. And one I think we are (believe it or not) as ready as we are ever going to be!